5 tips for effective IT outsourcing management

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Mai Le

2022-07-29 04:51:26

vnext global 5 tips for effective it outsourcing management

There are numerous reasons for a corporation to outsource IT services, but the most important ones are reasonable cost and timing. If you are already outsourcing or considering outsourcing IT services, it is crucial that you are well managing the project because there are many responsibilities that come with it. As an IT outsourcing company, we suggest you 5 tips to keep you stay effective and efficient with your IT outsourcing project management.


5 tips to carry out IT outsourcing management effectively and efficiently


Determine the goals and scope of IT services outsourcing

You will reach nothing if you don't know what you want to achieve. After making the decision to begin an IT outsourcing project, you must determine exactly what role in the IT department you want to outsource. Determine what you can accomplish with the inhouse team and what stack your business lacks.


To build a successful IT outsourcing project, it is important to:


  • specify both the long-term and short-term needs;
  • make sure that you comprehend the software development job you are outsourcing;
  • create a documented list of duties and requirements for your IT outsourcing team.


Be ready to respond to a few inquiries from your IT outsourcing company on a future software product. Make sure that all overall requirements and expectations are clear before the project launches, and make great efforts to comprehend the special responsibilities of each member.


The more details you give the IT outsourcing services provider, the more clear they will be to determine the scope and expense of your project, match their procedures with yours, and choose the best development technique. Your lack of engagement in IT outsourcing could be compared to a blind man leading the blind, because there are no clear objectives, a defined scope, and defined responsibilities.


vnext global 5 tips for effective IT outsourcing management Determine the goals and scope of IT services outsourcing


Consider IT outsourcing quality the first priority

Although IT outsourcing can help you save a lot of money, it isn't the only reason for your IT outsourcing decision. Your firm should be optimized via IT helpdesk outsourcing to save up time and resources for your core business.


Rates charged by IT outsourcing providers frequently reflect the level of expertise, experience, and quality of the services.


For instance, vendor A charges $25 per hour but assigns inexperienced junior developers to the project. Vendor B charges $50/hour, majorly provides senior engineers, with the support from some junior developers to finish some tasks faster. In this case, which vendor will you choose? 


vnext global 5 tips for effective IT outsourcing management consider quality first

Set up clear regulations and policies for your IT outsourcing project

Implementing an IT outsourcing project, especially offshore IT outsourcing, controlling the team is much more difficult than inhouse. That’s the reason why you and your IT outsourcing services provider must agree on specific regulations and policies, some of which are:

  • Data protection: You should require your partner sign a NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) and a Non Compete Agreement
  • Working time: You should mention the compulsory working hours, different time zone (if needed) and holidays time-off


5 tips for effective IT outsourcing management Set up clear regulations and policies


Agree on specific metrics to measure performance of IT outsourcing services

Setting up particular metrics for assessing performance is crucial if you want to make sure that your IT outsourcing project is on track and experiencing no issues. These measurements may comprise the following:


  • Percentage of work done: This can help you determine if your IT outsourcing team is meeting its goals and whether they are on track for completing all their assigned duties within the deadline.
  • Efficiency: This can help you determine how long it takes for tasks to get completed and whether there are any areas where the work needs improvement or if something is slowing down the process.
  • Number of delayed tasks: This can help you determine how many tasks have been delayed and whether any adjustment is necessary..
  • Cost variance:  This can help you determine if the cost of work is exceeding or below your initial budgeted amount. If it is on budget, it means that everything is on track. If there are any cost problems, this can help you identify whether changes should be made.


These measurements give you important information about how well your IT outsourcing projects are doing and whether they are living up to your expectations. Performance evaluations will also demonstrate whether your IT outsourcing project is on track, meeting standards, deadlines, and producing the high-quality output you require.


5 tips for effective IT outsourcing management Agree on specific metrics to measure performance of IT outsourcing services


Use proper communication and management tools for IT outsourcing projects 

In order to ensure that your IT outsourcing projects are completed successfully and on schedule, IT project management software will be essential. If you don't currently use these tools, I strongly advise that you do so right away.


The best tools depend on your situation, because there are numerous types of these tools available for various demands. Here are some project management software VNEXT Global use:

  • Trello – A Kanban-style collaboration tool helps to manage projects.
  • JIRA – A project management tool, used by IT teams, assists to track bugs and manage the overall project life cycle.
  • Asana –   A project management tool that assists project tracking, file sharing and task managing.
  • Pivotal Tracker – A project management tool, with a shared view of team priorities, collaboration, and dynamic tools to analyze progress, resulting in frequent and consistent delivery.
  • Monday.com –  A scheduling and time tracking tool that also allows you to create, assign and track tasks of teams and individuals.


These tools will aid in the documentation of the process, the understanding of the stages of the project, the assignment of tasks, the time spent on each task, and the remaining work.


5 tips for effective IT outsourcing management Use proper communication and management tools for IT outsourcing projects


Final thought

Overall, for IT helpdesk outsourcing, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. That’s the reason why  many businesses cooperate with IT outsourcing companies although there will always be obstacles and challenges during the working process.


Offshore developers who are highly skilled and specialized can make your project quicker, cheaper, and simpler. A road map for your company's success should consist of an offshore IT outsourcing plan as a strategic plan.


Undoubtedly, by following these suggestions, you may avoid typical IT outsourcing mistakes and gain many benefits. And remember to add these term to your IT outsourcing agreements.


If you are looking for a trusted IT partner, VNEXT Global is the ideal choice. With 14+ years of experience, we surely can help you to optimize your business digitalization within a small budget and short time. Currently, we have 400+ IT consultants and developers in Mobile App, Web App, System, Blockchain Development and Testing Services. We have provided solutions to 600+ projects in several industries for clients worldwide. We are willing to become a companion on your way to success. Please tell us when is convenient for you to have an online meeting to discuss this further. Have a nice day! 

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